Example Reminders

Here are two examples of the kind of reminders you will be getting.

The first is what you will receive as your reminder on your first birthday with us (as the parent).

The second exmaple, is what you will receive on your child's birthday.

But no reminder is ever the same, no matter how many children you have, or how many birthdays you celebrate with us. We keep changing them, adding new questions, new inisghts, and new bonuses. 

Welcome to your Conscious Memories

Hi there

Happy birthday!

And I really wish the past year has been one of value and meaning. I also wish that you felt that you got closer and closer to the kind of life you wish to live.

This is your first Concscious Memories reminder for YOU, the parent! Your questions are below.

For many parents, the years just come and go in a blur. Days just blend into weeks, the weeks into months, the months into years and the years into decades. And only much later do they realise that life is passing by.

For you

The purpose of Conscious Memories is create a space for you to stop, take a breath and look around. CONSCIOUSLY. And in that space, to make sure that you capture what you want to remember. CONSCIOUSLY.

This is what has worked best for me and for many other parents and I recomend you give it a try.

Look at the questions below and write down some quick answers (this gets you thinking about them). Then use a camera or your phone, and record a VIDEO of you sahring your answers. The video is much better as it captures so much more feeling than just your written word.

If you want to see my recording I made for my 40th birthday, then you can see it here

Here are you reflective questions:

  1. As a parent, what is your wish for yourself in this new year?
  2. What do you wish you could do more of with your child?
  3. What is your most favourite memory of being a parent this last year?

And here are two heart warming video clips that just show the power of what we are creating:

Love is spelt time

What is that? A sparrow? (you'll see this when you get the reminder)


And here is the second example, for your child's birthday.


Welcome to your Conscious Memories

And another birthday in the family!

And that means that no matter what kind of year this was for you and your family, you can make sure you remember what you want to celebrate and cherish.

This should be your first Conscious Memories reminder on behalf of your child/ren.

The purpose of Conscious Memories is to support you in building a bank of memories that your child can access for a lifetime ahead of them. Imagine that right now, you could watch a video of your mom or dad talking about your achievements when you were only six years old.

Imagine that they also shared what they loved about you as a six year old, and what their dreams for you were. This is a priceless gift.

For you

I have created some really inspiring questions for you to answer. Look at them below and write down some quick answers (this gets you thinking about them). Then use a camera or your phone, and record a VIDEO of you sharing your answers. When you talk to the camera, talk as though you are actually talking to your child. Then when they watch this, now or later, they will experience you talking to them directly.

If you want to see my recording I made for Cailin on her 6th birthday, then you can see it here

Here are the base set of questions for your child's birthday!

  1. What is my favourite memory/ experience of you this year?
  2. What have I learnt from you this past year?
  3. This is my wish for you this coming year….
  4. These are the ways in which I love you….

And here are another two great video clips that just show up our role as parents: